Around two hundred 3rd and 4th year students of Olongapo City National High School participated in the forum, which focused on the socio–economic and cultural effects of the Reproductive Health Bill.
OWWA Scholars pass licensure exams
Four (4) scholars of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration from the Mindanao region passed the 2011 government board examinations for Nursing Licensure held last July and Certified Public Accountancy last October.
25 Years, 7 Films, 1 Nation: EDSAngangdaan: The EDSA Film Festival
EDSA: Where from? Where to? Twenty-five years have passed from the time of the EDSA Revolution of 1986. A new generation of Filipinos has since grown up, and stories about … Read More
RH Bill: Ito Ba Ang Tama?
Whether pro- or anti-, the debaters succeeded in making the youth realize of the importance of their participation in matters like these for our country.
RH debate highlights: Sept.28
Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile (JPE): The bill speaks of the principle of equality before the law of women and men. Is there any unequal treatment of women and men under our legal system?
Stop the Witch Hunt of RH Bill Advocates
Sen. Vicente Sotto’s interpellation of the RH Bill at the Senate has deteriorated into a witch-hunt of organizations supporting the bill that, in his opinion, have an agenda to legalize or promote abortion in the Philippines.