Isn’t fertility, childbearing and determining family size more directly affected by women?
What Do Filipino Men Know About Family Planning? It Depends on Their Socio-Economic Background
Non-use of condoms is not due to inaccessibility – 70% of men know where to obtain one.
Hitting the Mark
She never told anyone what happened that night. Never. Not even when she got pregnant because of it. Not even when Tom abandoned her for another girl.
E=MC2: Engaging in Maternal & Child Health to Achieve MDGs 4 & 5
oin AYNLA and celebrate the wondrous work by our nurse advocates this coming October 8-9, 2011 in the 2nd Millennium Convention ‘(E=MC2: Engaging in Maternal and Child Health to Achieve MDGs 4&5!)
RH debate highlights: Sept.28
Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile (JPE): The bill speaks of the principle of equality before the law of women and men. Is there any unequal treatment of women and men under our legal system?
SAS: When you are violated electronically
There are just as many forms of e-VAW as there as forms of technology. Familiarize yourself with the various ways technology can be used to violate women and protect yourself.