“Children in hazardous work: what we know, what we need to do,” cites studies from both industrialised and developing countries indicating that every minute of every day, a child labourer somewhere in the world suffers a work-related accident, illness or psychological trauma.
The First National Congress of OFWs and Families, a Success!
PRESS RELEASE, Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration, June 9, 2011
Exhibitors showcase their products on the 1st National Congress of OFWs and Families
PRESS RELEASE from the Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration, June 3, 2011
Goldilocks’ porridge: The right family size for each Filipino family
The ‘Goldilocks period’ is a situation in which a country moves from large families and poverty into small families and high-income growth. By CJ Sarmiento, Mulat Pinoy Community Manager
First National Congress of OFWs and Families
Press release from OWWA, May 30, 2011
News from AYNLA
Mulat Pinoy’s partner, the Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates, have been very busy lately! New chapters have been organized and other chapters have inducted new officers. Check out the … Read More