The Coalition on ASEAN for a Fair, Ambitious and Binding Climate Deal (A-FAB) called on ASEAN leaders to show their commitment in dealing with the problem of climate change by taking more decisive action and stronger positioning in the coming climate talks in Cancun.
Beware of job scams!
If you are a fresh grad, it is definitely difficult to differentiate the real job postings from the fake ones. You may think that you are applying for a good job but it’s actually a trap.
A Nation of Nurses: The Future of Philippine Nursing, Part Three
One of the sections of the RH Bill states that the government must increase the number of doctors, nurses and midwives in public hospitals, local health units and EMONC centers so that better health services can be delivered to the people.
A Nation of Nurses: The Future of Philippine Nursing, Part Two
Our country is very rich in health human resources (e.g., nurses) that are unemployed or underemployed, and the state fails to see the vast impact of this fact on public health. We still need a lot of nurses in our health system, yet the government finds it hard to employ a single nurse.
A Nation of Nurses: The Future of Philippine Nursing, Part One
Filipino nurses have been known to be among the most caring nurses in the world – the kind that many foreign nationals would prefer and trust. This brand of excellence became the Philippines’ banner for sending its nurses to the world market.
Abra Nurses Call for Passage of RH Bill!
Abra nurses didn’t hesitate to support the measure as they themselves encountered many concerns of their patients in public hospitals and the far-flung communities. Nurses said they do not have any Social Hygiene Clinic or a reproductive health program that is why they saw this opportunity to voice out the concerns of the people.