Movement for Good Governance: A Call for Positive Change

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MGGThe Movement for Good Governance (MGG) is a national coalition of reform-minded organizations, business leaders, and individuals that has three long-term goals: voter registration and empowerment, election reform, and leadership development. Like Mulat Pinoy, it aims to strengthen the awareness of the Filipino people by providing avenues to increase their capabilities in choosing their leaders, as they are leaders themselves. The core organizations of MGG include: Kaya Natin!, Youth Vote, Young Public Servants, Hope, Transparent, Reform Coalition and RCN Visition 2010.

One of its member organizations, Kaya Natin!, was convened by the Ateneo de Manila University-School of Government Director for Youth Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship Harvey Keh. Outstanding local government leaders such as Mayor Jesse Robredo of Naga City, Gov. Grace Padaca of Isabela, Gov. Eddie Panlilio of Pampanga, Mayor Sonia Lorenzo of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija and Gov. Teddy Baguilat, Jr. of Ifugao are actively involved in the activities of this organization.

MGG aims to identify, empower, and support progressive political leaders who are sincerely working in line with their vision. As the group hopes to provide the spark that will ignite the people’s passion and love of country to build a better society, the following missions are the basis of their implementing activities:

  1. Provide a point of convergence and promote solidarity among the diverse reform initiatives around the country that share the common objective of building a better and stronger Filipino nation.
  2. Build a powerful constituency of reform by enlisting ten million citizens to support this movement for good governance.
  3. Work for the election of good, responsible, and reform-oriented leaders, particularly at the highest levels of government, by helping create an environment where these leaders can flourish and by providing them a solid support base.

The key movers of MGG are: Milwida Guevara, former Finance undersecretary; Guillermo Luz, former Executive Director of the Makati Business Club; Information Technology expert Gus Lagman; Artist and Youth Leader Jaime Garchitorena; Retired Gen. Jose Almonte, and comedienne ‘Juana Change.’

MGG participates in the political arena by giving support for the registration of young and first-time voters, mobilizing 10 million voters to sign up and support good governance reforms, and organizing communication platforms like public debates that help Filipinos effectively decide on their new leaders. While this group recognizes that our society’s problems cannot be solved in an instant, fighting issues like corruption and ineffective governance are their primary targets as they enlist fellows who are equally passionate in supporting this advocacy.

Wanted: 10 million voters in support of ‘a gov’t we deserve’ (Newsbreak February 5, 2009)
Wanted: 10 million voters in support of ‘a gov’t we deserve’ (ABS-CBN Online February 8, 2009)
Coalition aims 10M votes for good gov’t (Philippine Daily Inquirer December 21, 2008)

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