All possible scenarios around preventing, handling, surviving and getting over cyberbullying must be understood by teens, and it is the joint responsibility of the parents, teachers and school authorities to do so.
Cebu teachers unite against cyberbullying at #CTRLYouthCon
Aside from having difficulty coping with the fast-changing technology, teachers can also fall victim to cyberbaiting, done by students, parents or fellow teachers.
[Statement] Respect freedom of choice in family planning, lift the TRO on implants and new contraceptives
“Women must have control over their own bodies, and must be able to decide if, when and how often to get pregnant. Couples must be able to plan for the number of children they can raise, nourish and care for.”
[Saludo Kami] Peace-building through teaching the culture of peace
Peace as a way of life is what Honey wants to impart to the future generations who have longed for peace in Mindanao.
[Listahan] 5 reasons why biking is best for you and the environment
Now, the youth see that riding bikes is more than just a recreational activity, but a better way of transportation.