A Nation of Nurses: The Future of Philippine Nursing, Part Three

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By Alvin Cloyd Dakis, RN

Alvin Dakis is the founder and president of the Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders & Advocates International Inc. (AYNLA), a national organization of nurse advocates. He is also a blogger & youth leader. Email him through: alvin.dakis (at) aynla.org.

Contributions from all sectors, especially the youth, are welcome on Mulat Pinoy. Popdev stories cover many issues; while reproductive health is a frequent topic of discussion, articles may also discuss population in relation to the environment, employment, education, food supply, gender, religion, housing, health, and others. Send an email to popdev (at) mulatpinoy (dot) ph.

Read Part One and Part Two. This is Part Three.

Another reform being pushed is the recommendation of increasing the number of plantilla positions, or the number of staff, a public hospitals and local health units. The recommendation also includes the proper utilization of current plantilla positions to comply with the Philippine Nursing Law, which clearly states that the salary for an entry-level nurse in a public health facility should be in Salary Grade 15, which is close to around Php 25,000.

The Reproductive Health Bill, one of the most contentious proposals in the country, also recognizes the need to increase the number of hired skilled health care professionals to deliver appropriate reproductive and sexual health needs of the people. One of the sections of the RH Bill states that the government must increase the number of doctors, nurses and midwives in public hospitals, local health units and EMONC centers so that better health services can be delivered to the people.

So what now?

The continuing push for reforms for the health care system and the nursing profession needs a huge amount of support from nurses themselves if we want to see these reforms coming to pass. Nursing leaders now convene to finalize the draft amendments to the Philippine Nursing Law (R.A. 9173) and enforce it this year. But more importantly, each nurse, wherever he or she may be, must participate in this discourse and actively participate to help make the government know we are guarding our rights and our profession.

Utilizing your social network sites to pass on vital information to other nurses and their significant others can help in maximizing information dissemination. You may also participate in forums, discussions and rallies to show your support whenever possible. And most of all, as professional nurses, do not let anyone, be it an individual or a group, manipulate or exploit you. It is important to know your rights as a professional and as an individual. You need to fight for your rights.

A nation of nurses shouldn’t be seen as something negative to our national development. We should utilize our health human resources properly, and maximize our rich resources of health professionals to deliver better health care to our countrymen.


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