PRESS RELEASE: Consuelo Foundation, 25 years of giving hope

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The Consuelo Foundation may well be one of the most genuine untold charity stories in the Philippines.

That’s because for over 25 years, one foundation has been quietly helping those in need, particularly children, women and families in the Philippines and Hawaii. Untold stories like Consuelo Foundation’s are interesting in that it projects a true sense of wisdom. Both the story and its works have stood the test of time; a testament to the purity of the vision and passion of one woman.

It began in 1987 when wealthy heiress Dona Consuelo Zobel Alger had been approached by Child and Family Service Philippines (CFSPI) head Patti Lyons for funding. Consuelo eventually became CFSPI’s main benefactress, which later on opened a Consuelo Zobel Alger home, a residential center for street children in Baguio City.

It was here where Consuelo Zobel Alger found her inspiration. Having no children of her own, it was the children supported by her program that she cared for as her children. In 1988, she created her own private foundation, the Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation to improve the quality life of disadvantaged children, women and families in the Philippines and Hawaii.

The foundation focused on supporting programs for the prevention, protection and recovery of abuse victims as well as programs that created opportunities for disadvantaged children, women and families.

When Consuelo passed away in 1992, her endowment was given to the foundation where it was invested. This is where her legacy lives on. Today, the earnings from the investments are sustaining the Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation. Since its inception, the foundation has given over 75 million dollars or 3 billion pesos to help her cause.

Apart from illustrating Consuelo’s passion to her cause, it shows off her financial sense. The foundation is a prime example of an organization that illustrates the impeccable use of financial savvy to create self-sustaining philanthropy.

It is this quiet yet highly involved foundation that has quietly given throughout its 25 years devoid of corporate or political motives that illustrates a true sense of charity. A pure mission to give to those in need may explain how it has continued to give for 25 years, even after Consuelo’s life. It’s a testament that genuine and sincerity stand the test of time, a true legacy that can be passed on for generations.


One Comment on ““PRESS RELEASE: Consuelo Foundation, 25 years of giving hope”

  1. Kristina D. Rojas

    Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation , is a private operating foundation under U.S. laws with hedquarters in Honolulu Hawaii. CZAF, was founded in the year 1988, this is to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged children, women and families in the Philippines and Hawaii. they operates programs either directly with its own personnel or by contracting other organizations.

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