PRESS RELEASE: Fair and Honest Elections: The Role of Accredited Watchdogs

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Think election watchdog and two names readily come to mind —  NAMFREL and PPCRV.

While both organizations have taken prominent roles in the past national elections, they are also known to be closely connected with the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines.  In Philippine politics, the perceived power of religious groups to influence votes often lead people to wonder about the neutrality and objectivity of both PPCRV and NAMFREL. The Catholic Church is openly  vocal about their “preferred” candidates especially at the national level. Given their close association with the Catholic Church, how can poll watchers or election watchdogs assure genuine neutrality and objectivity with respect to candidates known to be on opposing sides of certain issues with the Catholic Church or other religious groups?



Venue:                  Annabel’s Restaurant


Time and Date:   13 March 2013

                               10am – 12 noon



                             Welcome Remarks

                             Benjamin D. de Leon

                             President, Forum for FP and Dev’t., Inc.




                             Dir. James Jimenez

                             Commission on Elections


                             Ms. Corazon dela Paz-Bernardo

                             President, NAMFREL





                             Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV)




                             Dr. Ernesto M. Pernia

                             Trustee, Forum for FP and Development, Inc.


                             Mr. Red Tani

                             President, Filipino Freethinkers



Please confirm with:  Chi Laigo Vallido, Advocacy Specialist (09189443850)

Forum for Family Planning and Development, Inc.


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