PRESS RELEASE: Sexual health is important to all Filipinos, not just women

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Sexual Health: Why Should You Care?

A Public Forum by Young Public Servants, Sex and Sensibilities, and Mulat Pinoy

July 7, 1:30-6PM, Filipinas Heritage Library


Sexual health is important to all Filipinos, not just women

– advocacy groups


Sexual health should be the concern of all people, regardless of gender, sexuality, age or civil status. This is the statement offered by youth and advocacy groups organizing a sexual health forum tomorrow at the Filipinas Heritage Library. Organized by Young Public Servants, Sex and Sensibilities and Mulat Pinoy, the forum will feature sexual health conversations with Filipinos from varying demographics.


The forum, titled “Sexual Health: Why Should You Care?”, will have four segments. In Teeny Baby Bump, young mother Vanessa Hamilton Viviezca will share her experience of getting pregnant at the age of 16. Stigma and Controversy will discuss hot topics that are still considered taboo by some. Heart Diño, the first transgender chairperson of the UP Diliman University Student Council, will share her thoughts on LGBT issues. She will be joined by Angelo Esperanzate from the AIDS Society of the Philippines.


In Are You Man Enough?, Boys Night Out’s Slick Rick, Sam YG and Tony Toni join the sexual health conversation. The final segment, Sex Ed: Why It Needs a Parent’s Guidance, will have single mother Ana Santos and Cecille Villa of Foundation for Adolescent Development sharing their thoughts on how to have The Talk with your kids.


Each segment will be followed by an open forum. Announcements, demos and short interviews will be conducted throughout the forum. This event is free and open to the public.


Sexual Health: Why Should You Care?

Open Forum on Sexual Health by Young Public Servants, Sex and Sensibilities and Mulat Pinoy

Saturday, July 7, 2012

1:30 to 6:00 PM

Filipinas Heritage Library, Makati Ave., Makati City


For inquiries: [email protected]/[email protected]/0917-8163500

You can RSVP on Facebook!

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