EVENT: Sexual Health: Why Should You Care?

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Sexual Health Forum Event Poster

Sexual Health: Why Should You Care?

A Forum by Young Public Servants, Sex and Sensibilities.com and Mulat Pinoy

The phrase “sexual health” conjures up images of condoms, teen pregnancies, premarital sex and HIV/AIDS. But does the picture have to be quite so alarming?

“Sexual Health: Why Should You Care?” is a forum organized by Young Public Servants, Sex and Sensibilities and Mulat Pinoy. The forum seeks to focus on different aspects of sexual health, and to emphasize its importance not just to women, but young people, to men, to parents, to society as a whole.

The forum will have four segments:

“Teeny Baby Bump” will discuss not only the increase in occurrences in the Philippines, but also the ways in which educational institutions and government agencies respond to the issue.

Controversial issues like LGBT rights and PLHIV (People Living with HIV) concerns will be explored in “Stigma and Controversy”.

Most people think of sexual reproductive health as a woman’s domain and thus, only a woman’s concern. But as the male guests in the segment “Are You Man Enough? Men and Sexual Health” will tell you, sexual health is every bit a concern for men, too.

And finally, how do parents talk to their children about sex? Is the idea of sex education in schools really unpalatable? Listen to what families have to say in the “Sex Ed: Why It Needs a Parent’s Guidance” segment.

The forum will be held on Saturday, July 7, 2012, from 2:00 to 6:00 PM at the Filipinas Heritage Library. This event is free and open to the public.

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Ana Santos
Web: SexandSensibilities.com
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0917-8207277

Regina Layug Rosero
Web: MulatPinoy.ph
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0917-8163500

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