Vote for AYNLA’s Kalingang Bayan to win this year’s Coke Barkada Award 2011

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Number of Members: 2500
Location: Manila

Project Entry: “Kalingang Bayan: AYNLA National Nurses Missions”


The “Kalingang Bayan” program is an initiative that focuses on three general service divisions: (1) Health Education, Information & Promotion, (2) Health Services & Consultation, and (3) Health Training to Community Health Workers & Volunteers. The KB program started in December 2010, and was then called “Nursing Missions.” Its first beneficiary was San Andres Bukid in Manila.

The KB program is an extension to health services in underserved communities. The program is implemented by all local chapters of AYNLA. Each chapter chooses a community which they will work and primarily provide essential health services.

The Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates International Inc is a non-stock, non-profit, professional organization of nurse advocates present in NCR and ten (10) Regions. AYNLA was founded in 2009, and was officially registered in 2010 under the Securities and Exchange Commission.

AYNLA is the first and is the only professional nursing organization to make it in the Ten Accomplished Youth Organization Awards top 20 organizations this 2011 and also to the Coke Barkada Award 2011. 50% of the judging will be coming from the FB page votes and 50% from the Coke judges.

To vote for AYNLA’s project entry in this year’s COKE BARKADA 2011 Award please express your support by commenting on the photo of the TAYO finalist located in the Photo Album, “Search for Coke Barkada TAYO 2011 Awardee” of the Coca-Cola Foundation Facebook Page. You may show support to your chosen TAYO finalist by posting “Yes, this group deserves to win the Coke Barkada Award!” on the comment box below the TAYO Finalist’s photo.

Only comments stating, “Yes, this group deserves to win the Coke Barkada Award!” posted from October 4 – 26, 2011 will be considered valid. The administrator reserves the right to delete offensive posts. Multiple posting from a single Facebook user will be considered as 1 vote.

Vote for AYNLA to Coke Barkada 2011 Award Here

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